Friday, May 16, 2008

12 month check-up

i took wes to the doctor for his 12 month check-up yesterday. his lungs were all clear (thanks for the prayers), and he was in the 90% for height and 50% for weight. i don't think anyone is surprised by those stats. if we could get the weight up around the 90%, i'm sure that stansbury would be calling in about 17 years. he's already off to a good start. see.....


Anonymous said...

Be sure to teach your boys how to pump fake without walking easrly in life.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the new blog layout!! am ready for round 2 of sushi....

The Putnam Family said...

looks like our children are have the tall and lean one, and i have the short and round one. ha! but seriously, presley has been in the 95th percentile for weight since she was, we slimmed up this go around.

i know, i know...i did stress way too much over the's what i do. i don't know why i was surprised.

got a question...when posting entries, how do you have one pic then write underneath that, then another, etc? all of mine end up at the top or side of my writing.

fyi - i posted a pic of the cake.