Saturday, December 4, 2010


we woke up today and had a lazy morning while slowly getting ready for the christmas parade at 10am.  everybody was excited.  especially mama since it wasn't 19 degrees like it was last year!  william was whiny and progressively got more whiny as the morning went on.  as we were about to leave, he starts crying and holding his belly because it hurt.  the stomach bug is going around, and y'all all know we are master stomach buggers over here.  so we handed him a bucket and told him to get in the car.

he couldn't walk to the car.  it hurt too bad.  big tears coming down now.

he got in the car, but couldn't get buckled up.  it hurt too bad.  more tears.

as chase drove down the curb in the driveway, he started SCREAMING because the bump "MAKES IT WORSER!!!"  whole lot of tears.

and then he just screamed and screamed.  and instead of driving to the parade, we drove to the peds clinic.  which was about to close in 10 minutes.  good thing all the police cars were at the parade instead of on the road with us!  you have to be really sick for either of us to even take you to the doctor, and let's just say that chase was not going the speed limit.  we were slightly worried.

as i carried him into the clinic, chase was trying to figure out which guy he was going to call to operate on his kid.  but as we sat in the room waiting on the doctor, he quit crying and started making his transformer stickers shoot each other and fly all over the room.  after about 15 minutes of him acting perfectly normal, i asked him if it hurt anymore.  he said it was better, and it only hurt if you pushed your hand "all the way in there all the way to my back."  i figured that yes, that would indeed hurt even if you didn't have any issues going on.  he let chase "massage" his belly and bounce the heck out of him, and he did nothing but laugh.  so we left.  but i made sure i told the nurses on the way out that we weren't crazy!  no idea what all that was about.

and then we made it to the parade.  late.  but we were there.  and excited.

this was our crew.

these two make me laugh.  you'd think he'd be all sweet and loving up on such a cute girl, but he treats her just like a sister.  maybe by the time high school rolls around, he'll change his tune! :)

wes would sit on the curb and watch cars and trucks all day.  and the fact that they threw candy made it that much better.

reed was mesmerized.  he didn't miss a thing, and he waved at every single float, truck, horse and person that came by!

pointing out santa in the distance.

and not too long after we got there, this guy signaled the end of the parade!

so...a 2 hour parade ended up being a 30 minute parade for us!  even so, the little people's pockets are overflowing with candy.

maybe next year we can avoid the side trip on the way and at least get to see a good 45 minutes of it!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!

Frank and Ginger said...

I love that they treat each other like siblings! Even though there is mischief in the back seat:)