i'm certain that this incident is 100% his daddy's fault because:
1) i, in no way, shape, form or fashion could have taught him this.
2) i have heard of an incident or two like this occurring on the golf course recently.
3) the aforementioned event on the golf course has never happened while i've been there.
since i concluded that it was daddy's fault, i let daddy talk to him about it when he got home. from my spot in the kitchen, i couldn't make out the whole conversation. but, i'm pretty sure the main point was something about it "killing my grass."
i was kind of hoping it would revolve around a better theme, like...
"this is inappropriate."
"keep that thing in your pants."
"they make potties for that sort of thing."
but obviously, "it will kill my grass" hits a little closer to home for the 3 year old age group.
maybe i should handle it next time. as i cautiously avoid the dead spots in our backyard!!
that so looks like braxton and jack. they think the yard is their potty. i can definitely say that their daddy taught them this potty technique!!! it doesnt kill the grass...my yard would be dead!!! hahaha!!! cute post!!!
Ha! Priceless.
You crack me up!
Oh my! Now, how do you suggest I explain the picture to my 3 year old who happened to be sitting in my lap when I visited your blog! Her questions included: "Who is that and why are his pants down?" "Doesn't he know he shouldn't be doing that?" "Mommy, is he tee teeing like a redneck?" "Did his Mama tell him not to do that?" ...I must get off your blog before the questions get out of control...
i love it!
I'm guessing you haven't looked out your front window lately and seen Walt spraying our yard. It is not uncommon for me to find him at least once a day with his pants down in the yard. I call it "lazy potty training." And it's working for me, at this point. At least William is surrounded by lots of little boys in this neighborhood who like to "water the grass."
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