Thursday, September 29, 2011

touch-a-truck 2011

our city does the coolest thing every year.  every september they provide all kinds of trucks, tractors, ambulances, race cars, helicopters, etc. for the kids to climb on/in.  my little people get a big kick out of it.  everyone is so friendly, too!  william got to use the controls by himself and move some dirt on several different front loaders.  he was giddy!!  wes and reed would have stayed all day!

until next year...


May said...

Here in the UK we have a theme park called Diggerland, which I went to many years ago and had a great time digging the hugest hole with a JCB, which slowly slid into the hole, and I got to drive it back out again. It looks like your boys had at least as much fun as my brother and I did that day :)

Hooks Family said...

You have got to send me a memo when this occurs so I can plan a trip to Tupelo!! My boys would love it!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lots of boy fun there! Glad it was a success for your group. Honey