Thursday, August 6, 2009

still at it...

even though summer is drawing to a close with all the schools starting up here, we are going to keep on pretending like it's summer for as long as we can!

it's a little chilly after 6pm, but it just takes a second to warm up to it...

and then it's full force for an hour or so!

getting ready to race...

wes is winning...

no wait, william is ahead...

wes doesn't care. he's ready to go again!

catching a quick breather...

this one just sits in the shade and snoozes. he'll get in on the action next summer!

one last jump before showertime!

now, how can anybody like the winter more than summer after days like these??


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!


Anonymous said...

if you don't want to buy your neighbor's house, maybe you could just buy their pool. great pictures. honey