Wednesday, August 5, 2009

somebody answer me

where exactly am i supposed to put the groceries???


odomfamilyfun said...

if you are at walmart or target, they have the bigger buggies (sometimes they are hard to find so you may have to ask) where the older kids sit in the front section--it will free up some space, it is super hard to steer...good luck!

DK Baria said...

check with aunt cindy. she had three girls within four years. i remember her telling the story of having a potty seat in the back of her station wagon and driving down the road with the girls sitting on it doing their thing. this too shall pass. kelly is now 40. hang in there. mama

Anna H said...

easy--becomes chase's job! just kidding!

Leigh Ann said...

ha!!!!!!!!!!!! i think wes and william will have to push a buggy!

Anonymous said...

BabyMakes4 said...

Girl, you are brave. That's all I have to say. :)

The Warren Clan said...

you go early morning...or late night when you dont have to take the kids. i totally understand. we still look like the circus when i take my 3 to walmart or kroger. have fun!!! this will be a memory very soon...goes by to quick.

Heather said...

What are you thinking?? I rarely even take one of my little monkeys to the grocery, much less the whole gang. I'd rather go at midnight than attempt it. And mine aren't even that little. ALL I'M SAYING IS YOU DESERVE SOME KIND OF MEDAL...YOU ARE A BRAVE SOUL!