Friday, April 12, 2024

Showchoir season

Accompanying the showchoir was never William's favorite thing to do, but they made the best of it and he got to know lots people by playing for them! 

Those two little ones think he hung the moon...and they gave the best shoutouts!


Senior song

Structure at home show


Madison Central

Jackson Academy

Tupelo hosted their first showchoir competition this year. 

I signed up to volunteer backstage, and somehow I got tossed a headset and put in charge of all of the schools getting onto and off of the stage in a timely fashion. I will say that everybody said that it was the first competition that they had ever been to that stayed on time.  Y'all are welcome! 

So much more than music that these kids are required to do...

These are the looks you get when you ask for a picture at 1am.

William was always on call for the warm-up room to get the girls ready before the show. 

Peace out, showchoir! 

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