Thursday, April 16, 2015

field trippin' with the kindergartners

field trip season has arrived.  i have no idea why we cram so many field trips in during the last few weeks of school, but we do.  and i usually end up with a car full of boys.  that's cool with me, because if i had talk about princesses or sing "let it go," i might get fired as a field trip driver!  

we visited the wtva news station and learned all about how the news works.

i think most of it was over their heads, but they did love the green screen and getting to see themselves on tv as weathermen!

my future news anchor!

we also visited the airport to learn about a few different types of airplanes, and we got to go up into the control tower.

we visited the fire station, and learned how to crawl under the smoke and out of a window.  but the coolest thing was watching the ladder go up on the truck and watching the fireman race down the fire pole.

and today we went to a local dairy farm.  this was really neat.  we got to see how they milk the cows, and where they store the milk.  and then they got to play with some animals and some farm equipment!

and now i need to go look at my calendar to see what's up next...

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

fishing with G

a few weekends ago, we went to jackson and spent most of our time fishing with G.  we weren't exactly very successful, but we did manage to get a few.  there were some rainbow trout, bass, and one single bream.  we had enough for a small appetizer, but it was a good thing that honey cooked supper and wasn't depending on us!

would you please check out the barn?  i love the barn.  i want a barn.  i want that barn.

maybe we'll have a little better luck next time, but honey might not need to cancel that trip to kroger just yet!!

Monday, April 6, 2015

flat stanley takes on atlanta,

and one learning fair project is done for the year!!

wes made a flat stanley for his first grade learning fair.  he then shipped him off to atlanta to spend some time with his two cousins.  they took pictures with him at different places around atlanta and then sent him home.  wes learned about all the neat stuff they did, and then he put together a scrapbook detailing what he had learned and where all flat stanley had been, along with a board that hit the highlights.

one learning fair down, two to go!!

as you can tell, he's not all that into projects or making it look fancy.  glue the picture on...done.  but that door in the background gives his board a little extra flair!!  :)  and i have to throw out a big thank you to cousins ariana and alexandra for showing flat stanley around atlanta!  he said y'all were awesome hosts!!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2015

donkey tales

a few weeks ago, the first, second, and third grades presented their spring play.  it was called donkey tales, and they told different stories from the bible that involved donkeys.  and, it was all told from the comfort of their donkey dude ranch.  wes was a ranch hand, and william played the part of baalam.  he very convincingly fell off of his donkey when the lord spoke to him through her!!

(these two may not have a future in acting.  they can't even pretend to be excited on stage!)

and they even had some fans in attendance...

now we are on the downhill slide of the school year, but we still have the early elementary play to go.  stay tuned!