Wednesday, February 25, 2009

look, cavities!

today was the lucky day that both little people got to go to the dentist for check-ups. this was william's 4th time and wes' 1st. william thinks the dentist is awesome. i was a little nervous about the 1st-timer, though.

video games in the waiting room got us in the right frame of mind...

getting to watch scooby-doo on the ceiling (and wear the "earmuffs" to hear it) make getting your teeth cleaned a breeze!

no earmuffs for this kid! although, i had to pin his arms down, he only cried for a minute.

and, then he made a beeline for the door as soon as i put him down. it didn't matter that he got stickers and a new toothbrush. he was done with that place!

all that said, we had 2 perfect reports with no cavities and no issues at all. and in 6 months, we'll see if we can do it all over again...maybe with a little less noise next time!


Anonymous said...

i've noticed that the thing that Wes likes most about brushing his teeth is standing on the stool next to William. glad everyone got good reports. honey

DK Baria said...

glad y'all are takinig care of the teeth dinosaurs. did anyone let out a banshee scream?!!! kakki