Saturday, October 17, 2020

william on wheels

 william turned 15, aced the driving test for his permit, and got a bunch of guitar stuff that i don't understand!!  but, he's one happy 15 year old!

This weekend, William turned 15. He went from a toddler in a carseat telling me to change the songs to a skinny, taller than me teenager providing the music. He loves ALL the music and spends hours a day in the music room playing guitar and piano. Country rock and church music tend to be his favorites these days, but you never know what’s going to come out of there. He fries three eggs for his breakfast every morning with bacon, toast, fruit, yogurt, and a spoonful of peanut butter. He still makes a PB and J every day for his lunch at school. He likes to keep his nose in a book. His stringing business is going strong, and he is closing in on 300 rackets. He still gets up early, but getting out of his pjs is not a priority. Tennis and golf are still his favorites. If he had to choose today, engineering is at the top of his list or maybe something medical. Dessert is a must. He outgrows shoes faster than we can keep them ordered. He loves watermelon and spicy, thai curry dishes. Actually, he likes all things spicy. He lives in his own world and does life at his own pace (all the while the rest of us are hollering at him to hurry up)! He is fluent in sarcasm. He doesn’t like Dr. Pepper. He knows his bible and loves youth group. He is enjoying Spanish and wants to take 4 years of it. He loved quarantine and did not want it to end. And, today….he got his permit! It was a nightmare trying to get it because corona has messed everything up. I couldn’t get his social security card out of our lock box because the bank branch where the lock boxes are was closed for an “undetermined amount of time.” (Let’s just say that it’s good to know people!) The DMV only lets you come one day a week now based on your last name. We were first in line at the DMV at 630am this morning since Tuesday is our day. At 745, they came out and told us that a toilet overflowed so they were shutting down. We tried again this afternoon, and they had resolved the toilet issue! So, I know this birthday post is late, but THIS is the picture that I wanted as a reminder of William at 15! Happy birthday, slow poke! Mama calls shotgun!

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