Friday, May 8, 2020

scenes from quarantine

these are in no particular order because let's be honest....we have no idea what day it is.  at least once a day, somebody asks, "what day is it today?"

wes and reed made their own parfaits one afternoon.  and, then they ate them out of crystal glasses. with plastic spoons.  that is what you call fancy.

reed started out doing a lego challenge where he made different things every day and checked them off of a calendar.

a boat to escape a deserted island...

i can't remember what the challenge was this day...

a set for a new star wars movie (the camera men and the director are in the background)...

nasa needed a new rocketship...

the yard boys got their work in.  multiple times.


pencil puzzle...


he spends half the day like this in one spot or another.

reed dismantled an old bike that somebody left at the street in front of their house.  i have no idea why, but he enjoys his tools.

dog puzzle...

william decided that he wanted poached eggs.  he googled it and made/ate 4 of them for breakfast.

only three boys live here.  but, there are 7 ripstiks in my garage.  i guess this is the neighborhood ripstik storage.

more school

these two were on a team for a neighborhood hide and seek game.  i think noel was in charge.  reed just followed directions.  :)

easter sunday selfie.  chase was working.

break from math...

 kroger pick-up gone wrong.  i didn't order any of these items.  but, i can now provide tacos and broccoli for 4000 people.

music man...

 william explaining probability to reed.

they made limeade, and william learned how to rim a glass.  i realize this is not in most homeschool curriculums, but desperate times, y'all...

art lesson...

algebra in bed...

sesame beef tacos...

masked up...

annual easter eggs...

chase got a new set up so he could work from home.  looks like he could land a rover on the moon, but whatever.

wes was not a fan of the westing game book, but he escaped the escape room that his teacher had set up.  and, he was more than happy to be finished!

chase and i were outside working on getting him riding a bike with that big boot and talking to neighbors.  when we came back home, wes and reed had started a fire.  they stacked the bricks and everything.  you would have thought that they would have asked first, but they did a pretty good job.  we had a fun afternoon sitting around the fire roasting marshmallows and burning up everything we could find!!


reed logged out of accelerated math for the very last time.  he mastered all of the objectives in the 4th grade library, 5th grade library, and the 6th grade library.  lots of math for him this year!

730pm is the best time to be outside.

thank goodness for tennis courts during quarantine....

"hey.  hey, mom.  when are all these people going to leave the house?"

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