Saturday, December 28, 2019

random december happenings

reed got his teachers a unique gift for christmas this year.  we put money on their cafeteria accounts so they could eat a couple of free meals/snacks on us.  mrs. sapp was pretty excited.  i don't think anyone had ever given her that before!

william and walker played a beautiful arrangement of o, come all ye faithful together.  it was his first duet, and it was hard to practice when your partner is a senior in college and doesn't live here!  but, they played it perfectly.

wes had a christmas program at school.  he was less than thrilled.  they were supposed to sing AND dance, and well....i don't think the music teacher thought that through very well when she thought that would be a good idea for 12 year old boys.

reed's basketball team has played a few weekends and has won more than they've lost.  plus, they're cute!

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