Monday, October 21, 2019


william's 14th birthday breakfast was fun (despite wes' yawn in the background!).  it was filled with sugar and presents....the biggest of which was chris stapleton tickets.  that's a whole different post in itself!!

and per the usual, he got a social media birthday shout out!

14 years ago, William came into this world in a hurry three weeks early. That’s the last time that he was in a hurry. He lives in his own little bubble, on his own time, and absolutely not in a hurry to do anything! He is now taller than me, and his feet are way bigger than mine. Speaking of feet, he is under no circumstances allowed to take his shoes off in the car!  😬 He can drive that car (but is only allowed to do so in the Delta)! He has come a long way from that little motorized tractor that he used to ride everywhere! He loves breakfast, watermelon, and ribs! He won’t turn down any sort of ice cream. He lives for music. He wakes up to it, sings or hums all day, plays piano or guitar for hours a day, commands the radio in the car, and just constantly has something going on that involves it! He would wear a t-shirt and gym shorts every day of life if his mama and daddy didn’t make him put on something else. (I can’t blame him there…he inherited that.) He loves to be on the tennis court. His favorite player is still Federer, but I think he likes watching doubles the best! He is padding his checking account with his stringing business, Henson Strings, and he just pulled racket #110 off of the stringer last night. His favorite teams are the Dodgers, the Cowboys, and the Bulldogs. He still hates blue jeans. He loves mexican food, a Subway sandwich, a buffalo chicken wrap, and Chick fil a. He is a country music nerd, and Old Dominion is his favorite. He is headed to Chris Stapleton in October, though, so I think he may put up a good fight for his top spot! He wants to attend Vanderbilt or Missississippi State and be a civil engineer. But, he’s not opposed to somewhere far away! However, he might “go pro” in music. I don’t know what that means to him, but if I get to keep hearing him play…he can certainly “go pro.” He loves math, science, and history. Actually, he just likes learning anything new. He reads all the time, and there is always a book nearby. He likes golf with his brothers and buddies, and they are missing their morning outings now that school is back in session. He makes his bed as soon as he gets out of it. He packs PB and J for his lunch at school every, single day! Another day, another PB and J! He loves the Lord and knows his Bible. He can memorize anything. He knows greek mythology better than anyone I know. He is loving learning Spanish this year. He’s fun to hike with. He can fall asleep in no time. He drives me up the wall on a daily basis, but I love him to pieces. Happy birthday, William!

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