Friday, August 15, 2014


it's hard to believe that i have a kid in the last year of single digits!  it seems like not too long ago that chase and i were leaving the hospital with our very first little person.  life moves fast, people!!!  

william had a busy day today turning 9!  

presents, donuts, school (with chocolate sprinkled donuts), tennis,  and hibachi with friends followed by ice cream was pretty exciting!  he was pumped to be 9! 

it was pretty funny to sit there and listen to these guys giggle and fall for every joke that our cook told.

and every one of them was unable to catch flying food in their mouth.  mama and daddy were the only ones at the table able to do it.  obviously we are lacking in this very important life skill.  we'll have to start practicing at breakfast tomorrow.  what a shame!

and, what's a birthday without baskin robbins??  (reed would be the kid with only a cone because he doesn't like ice cream.  i can't even pretend to understand.)

happy birthday, william! 

Monday, August 11, 2014

back at it

last week, we traded in our swim suits for back packs.  it seems a little early for school to be starting back to me, but nobody asked when i'd like to go back.  i'm just glad we were smart enough when we were little that we didn't have to start until the END of august and got out at the beginning of may! :)

everybody has great teachers, and i'm expecting big things out of K, 1st and 3rd this year!

reed and mrs. todd

wes and ms. dickerson

william and mrs. lansdell

i'm sad to see summer go, but i do like to see some learning going on.  now if someone could help turn the two youngest little people in my house into morning people....we'd be all set over here!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

golf season

william played on the coke tour this summer.  it's a north mississippi (with a few alabama kids thrown in) tour that hits up a few of the clubs around here on mondays.  he didn't play in all of the tournaments, but we never had to travel very far, and he made some fun friends in the process.  he also got to play with people he was already friends with, so it really was a fun thing to be a part of.  it was a great introduction to the game, and he always got lunch afterwards.  that was probably his favorite part!!  that or the coolers of powerade every three holes!!

kel and william at pontotoc cc

ole miss golf course with mason and clay

old waverly

tour championship at big oaks

i would have liked a few action shots, but when you are under 9 years old, you are required to have a caddy.  since daddy can't take off of work to caddy for an 8 year old, those caddying duties fell on mama.  it's too hard to keep a kid out of the bunkers and take pictures, so i'm going to just have to go with these for this year!!  maybe when i start getting a cut of the winnings, i'll be able to manage a few more pictures!  or i'll just have to wait a few years until he can carry his own bag!