Friday, October 16, 2009

it's tough

i mean, it's not all that easy to hold up this big, 'ol head! but, my neck gets in a good workout every once in a while because i like to see what's happening with those other two people that run around here making all the noise!

but, sometimes i just can't take it anymore and crash down to the ground on my side.

and when i'm down there and find my thumb, it doesn't matter if i've squirmed off of my blanket or not...i'm down for the count and out like a light.

and even though they make too much noise and wake me up, those bigger people love me and like to dish out the hugs.

and i don't mind that one bit!


DK Baria said...

God is in his heaven and all is right with the world, at least in our world it is! kakki

Anonymous said...

i witnessed it. they will step lightly around him and give lots of kisses. very sweet - lets hope it last. honey