Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Grab a Date

 Grab-a-Date (senior girls/freshman boys) was a success for Team Pink.  They won the kickball, and Reed had fun being Laurie's date.  This event means summer is drawing to a close for real.  I'm pretty sure that nobody is excited about it over here.  

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Lee County Send Off

 The MSU Alumni Association held a send-off party for the Lee County residents headed to Mississippi State. This was not all of them, but those that could come enjoyed dinner and meeting a few people from the other schools! 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Club Champ

 Wes took the top spot at the TCC Club Championship this year shooting 76-76 over the two days.  School season starts in about 2 weeks, so maybe the good vibes will carry over! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Honey’s birthday (kind of)

 Honey doesn't turn 80 until September, but we celebrated early since it was going to be easier to get together before all of the people head off to college!  

We found out that Frank should not be in charge of cutting cake. 

The weight limit was exceeded on the front porch swing.

All of the grandkids

Monday, July 22, 2024

Starkville scene

 William got his foot in the door in Starkville during July playing at Big E's.  It was just him and his keyboard, but he made good money that night.  Hopefully, he can add to the list and make a little spending money these next 4 years. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 Wes has played in a lot of golf tournaments this summer.  Most of them have just been one day tournaments that he could drive to and back on his own.  But, he really wanted to play in this larger 2 day tournament in Mobile at Magnolia Grove.  So, we went together and found all the good eating spots while he figured out this course.  Finished it out with a 75 and just beat the storm that was rolling in.  We might have to do this one again! 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Always buy the legos

 Reed got some legos for his birthday.  No matter what you think, boys are never too old for legos.  I spotted the middle brother checking them out one afternoon.  Always buy the legos! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Permit time

 His brothers ragged him and told him that he would never live it down if he was the only person at our house that didn't pass the permit test on the first try.  He showed them up and made a 100!  The birthday boy was all smiles driving me around town.  Happy 15, Reed! 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Back again

 It has not even been a year, and Chase decided we needed to spend some more time at the hospital.  One necrotic gallbladder is now gone, and we are hoping that we are finished with the medical establishment for a long, long time! 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4th

 Reed kicked off the 4th of July super early with the Green Street Mile race.  So much for sleeping in on a holiday. :)

William figured out that we have the perfect viewing spot for the fireworks from our backyard.  He was the only one to climb the fence, however.  


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Presidential debate

These three goofballs had the best time watching the presidential debate.  They had to rewind and watch the part where they argued about golf games and handicaps multiple times! 


Monday, July 1, 2024

Boston and Maine

Boston and Maine did not disappoint. We had a great time, loved our hotel and location, and saw (and ate!) all of the things!  Reed even found the finish line of the Boston Marathon as soon as we got there!  Maybe one day!

These two cannot be serious. 

Our hotel had a fantastic "lounge" with breakfast and pre-supper snacks and drinks all day long. Reed was a big fan of the Saratoga water! 

Blue Man group

These giants would not have survived on the USS Constitution


TD Ameritrade Center

Paul Revere's house

Old North Church

We had a cannoli contest.  We got some from different places, and I split them up for everyone to have a blind taste test.  Mike's Pastry came out on top!  So good. 

Welcome to New Hampshire

The Maine coastline is very different from the Gulf of Mexico

Nubble Light

St. Ann's - where George W. Bush parachuted in on one of his last birthdays! 

The Bush compound

The Mother Church in Boston.  This is the home of Scientology.  It was a beautiful courtyard area with this pool out front. 

The Mapparium 

Boston Public Library

Fenway...Red Sox vs. Blue Jays

Found our favorite Dodger friend on the wall at Fenway

F1 Arcade.  None of them will be going pro driving race cars any time soon.  Mama only made it halfway through one race before the motion sickness hit!  She won't be an F1 driver in the future either! 


All of our flights worked out, the Ubers were on time, the metro never had issues...it was a great trip!  None of us care to live in a big city full time, but we had fun for a little bit! And they are all able to navigate and get us where we needed to go. I need to start planning the next one!