Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday

William and I were the only two that made it to the sunrise service, but the rest of the crowd made it for the regular service.  Happy Easter! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Seder meal

the lawndale seder meal is a big deal.  it takes us 3 solid days to set up and get it all done.  this year, allen bradford came up with these crazy headband things for the kids to wear when we talked about the plagues.  we made fun of her for how ridiculous they were, but the kids liked them! however, the plague of the firstborn was a little sketchy/scary for the younger crowd, so they didn't include that one on the tables.  we snuck two of them for our first borns to put on when he spoke about that one.  everybody got a kick out of them.  now we need a year long rest before we have to do it again! 


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Neighbor besties

the little people next door (and one of their cousins) have become part of our family.  they constantly come ring the doorbell and knock on the windows asking for somebody to come out and play.  baseball, football, basketball, one wheels, corn hole, fireworks....all the things.  one of them just walks in and says, "hey, anybody home?" we looked up the other night while we were eating supper to see two of them sit down on the back porch and start watching tv! ha! bet you don't get that in a big city!


Friday, March 15, 2024


We left Nashville and the Heart of America Showchoir Competition and headed to Orlando for Spring Break.  That is not a drive that I care to make again!  But, we had a fun week doing Disney and Universal.  Theme parks with big kids is totally the way to go....aside from having to feed them! 

Everest at sunrise.  They got to ride lots of times!

Avatar Flight of Passage


It made music when you broke the stream of water, so we told William to play something.  But, the designers didn't put the notes in, they didn't think that one through very well!


We shut Epcot down, and they spent forever at Test Track designing their car.

Smuggler's Run

Rise of the Resistance

Blue and green milk.  No, thank you.  

William played with this little boy at our resort for about an hour.  His mom was on her phone, so he just went and played with him.  He and Ethan are now best friends.  

Where they belong

All you can eat breakfast with Pooh and the gang

They had this teacup spinning 900 miles an hour.

Magic Kingdom

Disney tired


I can't remember what Wes asked him, but he said he wasn't dignifying that question with a response and told him to go away! Ha!

Diagon Alley


Haunted Mansion 

Slinky Dog Dash

Guardians of the Galaxy....everyone's favorite


Same spot....7 years apart.  It went by quickly! 


Monday, March 11, 2024

Leading Lawndale

This every Sunday occurrence is drawing to a close with moving to college, so I snapped a screenshot off of the livestream.  It's been such a blessing to watch William lead worship for the last few years.  I hope we at least get a few Sundays here and there with trips home on some weekends.  Pop does, too! 


Friday, March 8, 2024

TCPS baseball

This was Reed's last year to play baseball.  It started out slow.  They lost most games, but they got it together to make it all the way to the finals in the end of the year tournament.  


Monday, March 4, 2024


Reed doesn't know how good he's got it with 2 older brothers when it comes to math homework!